?? Sobota, 9:30, otwierasz oczy w takiej sypialni. Brzmi dobrze, co? Jak princessa oczekujac na sniadanie prosto do lozka, przeczesujesz dlonia wlosy cieple od promieni slonca... Dobra, rozmarzylam sie ? Ale w takim wnetrzu, powiedzcie sami, mozna pieknie zyc ??????????
Cudownego dnia #moimili ?????????
?? Saturday and it is 9:30 - you open your eyes in such an outstanding bedroom. Sounds good, huh? Let's dream a little! ? - you are a princess waiting for your breakfast straight to bed, you run your hand through your hair and rays of sun are warming you through the window... Oh those dreaming moments. :D But in such an interior, tell yourself - you could live beautifully. ??????????
Have a wonderful day #moimili. Pic by @thiscolourfulnest ??????????
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